- "right"和"write"发音相同。 "Right" and "write" are pronounced the same.
- (=right) 右侧 RT.
- 如果入口点函数没有返回TRUE,系统将终止进程并报告错误。 If the entry-point function does not return TRUE, the system terminates the process and reports the error.
- OK, all right 好的 okey.
- 所以输出结果实际上先是false,再是true。 So the output is actually false and then true.
- 吧 ... right?吧 ... OK?笆 an article made of bamboo strips
- 如果要将列名作为结果的第一行返回,请将该参数设置为TRUE。 Set this argument to TRUE if you want the column names to be returned as the first row of the results.
- (=right mediolateral) 右中侧 RML.
- True值保存为1。 A value of True is stored as 1.
- abbr. 阁下(Right Honourable) Rt. Hon.
- (=Neither of the statements is true.)两种说法都不正确。 Neither statement is true
- 请将第12行中的“right”改为“night”。 For“right”in line 12 please read“night”.
- 注意对于socket流甚至当unread_bytes为非零值时也可以为TRUE。 Note that for socket streams this member can be TRUE even when unread_bytes is non-zero.
- 相当多 Q-right. 完全对。 quite a few
- 提供true值的文本。 Provides the text for a true value.
- abbr. 右手,得力助手(right hand) r.h.
- 但将它设为true会影响性能 However, setting to true will have an impact on performance
- (=right scapular border) 右肩胛缘 rt.scap. bord.
- True BASIC程序设计案例 A Case of True Basic Progamming
- (=right upper lobe(lung)) 右上叶(肺) RUL R.U.L.